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Compania Presentation

Videohive Compania Presentation 15196950 – Free Download After Effects Template

Compania is a template created inside After Effects. The project supports cs5, cs5.5 and cs6 version of AE. It is suitable for images or videos. Inside the project you get Full HD 1920×1080 resolution, 30 fps, 70 Presentation Scenes ( 46 Presentation Slides, 10 Infographic Slides, 7 Maps of World Continents, 7 Different Graphs), 11 Transitions and 46 Icons. Full color control and 30 min. video tutorial. Because of well organization and structure this project is modular so it enables you to create your own presentation, Drag & Drop. Inside you have 57 media placeholders and 206 text placeholders. Font used in this project is a free version of Nexa Font so make sure to first install font than run project. Images and music in the preview is not included but you can find music HERE and HERE

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